
Saturday 5 May 2012

I''ll probably be the 1006979676,6078598458th person to complain about Blogger changing its dashboard, but oh well. I do not like. Why are things on the side when they used to be at the bottom? I have to actually move my eyeballs to the right to find things now!

But regardless, I'm braving the confusion and writing a post. How lucky do you feel at this news, huh?

Anyway, last week I graduated from the dining room table to a proper desk (a birthday present) for my polyclay work, and it's really made a difference to have tools in drawers, and everything within reach. Also, random pieces of polymer clay will no longer get into people's food at Christmas dinner. Well, hopefully (hey, who hasn't ingested a small amount of plastic these days? I once swallowed a marble; polymer clay is nothing compared to that)

I've also succumbed to a mania for making pinecone beads and lilypad charms from polymer clay, which are now on Etsy:

And I've managed to produce a cute little apple out of hot glass. I can't deny that I'm pleased with him, though his apple-ness may be in question (perhaps there's some strawberry in his bloodline)

His sister is resting in annealing bubbles now, waiting to go in the kiln.


  1. I too hate the new blogger. But I was able to go back to the old one. Not sure which button I hit....Not sure how long it will last either. Why do they do this to us? We get used to doing things one way and they smack us with a whole new set up. WHo has time for this? Bah.

  2. Oh, me too - it took me ages to get the hang of the last one. And as for Facebook pages - don't get me started ...

    Loving the new beads, Hazel - and that apple looks pretty damn good to me! :)

  3. Those pine cones are so cute :) Somewhere on the dashboard there is an "old blogger format" button but I thought that was being phased out eventually.

  4. Thanks Louise and Joanna re: the beads :D

    And thanks to Joanna (again)and Roberta for pointing out that you can get back the old format - I found the little button at last, and am back in happy blog land *G*

  5. Thanks Louise and Joanna re: the beads :D

    And thanks to Joanna (again)and Roberta for pointing out that you can get back the old format - I found the little button at last, and am back in happy blog land *G*

  6. We get used to doing things one way and they change every thing but oh well ... by the way i found a new website where you can text for free worldwide its called
